Upcoming Events

September 25, 2024 In-person + Zoom

Trainee Speaker: TBD

Talk Title: TBD

Guest Speaker: TBD

Talk Title: TBD

Suggestion box

Guest Speaker Suggestions

We are always looking for new presenters.

If you would like to suggest someone, please let us know info@torbug.org.

Trainee Speaker Opportunities

TorBUG provides opportunities for local trainee speakers to present on their work. Submit an abstract of your work for consideration. Submissions can be made to info@torbug.org.

Proposals for 2023-2024 season being accepted at info@torbug.org

Several Bioinformatics User Groups (BUGs) operate across Canada to bring together trainees, researchers and other professionals with a shared interest in the field of bioinformatics, computational biology and data science.

TorBUG (Toronto Bioinformatics Users Group) meets on the last Wednesday of every month from September through April, except holidays. Research presentations by bioinformatics leaders, students and industry representatives are followed by networking over pizza and refreshments (limited capacity).

Meetings for 2024-2025 will be hybrid. In-person at Donnelly Centre CCBR, University of Toronto, 160 College St, Black (2024) and Red (2025) room (limited capacity) and via Zoom, and are FREE and OPEN to all.

In-Person & Virtual Meeting Format

Join via Zoom

2023-2024 Season

  • September 25, 2024 – TBD
  • October 30, 2024 – TBD
  • November 27, 2024 – TBD
  • January 29, 2025 – TBD
  • February 26, 2025 – TBD
  • March 26, 2025 – TBD
  • April 30, 2025 – TBD

As a service to the community, other bioinformatics events are posted to the calendar.

For bioinformatics events in Vancouver and Montreal, visit our sister groups, VanBUG and MonBUG.
